
Bachelor in HR-Management & Communication

Course Type:



3 Years


B.A. in Business Administration




01.10.2024 / 01.03.2025 (planned)


Bad Vöslau, Vienna region, Austria

Study format:

Blended Learning

Tuition fee:

EUR 8.900 per study year

Preliminary information

The IUC - International Private University College Bad Vöslau is currently in a project status. The following development company is responsible for the project:
Privathochschule Bad Vöslau Entwicklungs GmbH,
Johann Strauß Straße 2, 2540 Bad Vöslau, Austria

Please note: There is currently no ongoing study programme or other study operations.
The planned start in October 2024 / March 2025 is subject to a positive accreditation decision.


The English-language Bachelor's degree programme in HR Management & Communication is a full-time degree programme that is designed to be completed while working. In order to be able to study alongside a job or under other individual circumstances, the Bachelor's degree programme is delivered in a blended learning format.
The programme offers a scientifically based business education with a focus on HR management and communication. In addition to fundamental business knowledge, specialised expertise in human resource management and communication as well as social and intercultural skills are taught.
Students on the programme should acquire comprehensive management skills and develop a high level of social communication skills. The university college promotes the development and strengthening of emotional intelligence as well as important skills such as problem-solving skills and critical thinking, which will be of essential relevance for the future labour market despite the rapid increase in technology.

Course Contents:

Students develop skills that enable them to work in all areas of business administration, in particular human resource management. The programme focuses on specialist knowledge in the areas of HRM and communication. In addition, students acquire a broad economic background with the necessary knowledge of law, which prepares them for future professional fields. The broad-based economics programme includes courses in general business administration and economics. These fundamental subject areas are supplemented by courses in the fields of digitalisation, sustainability and business management, which are designed to prepare students in particular for the future requirements of human resources departments in a dynamic and global environment. Analytical and academic skills are promoted through courses on statistics and data analysis as well as research methods and scientific work. The programme is enhanced by teaching key social communication skills such as negotiation, critical thinking, problem-solving methods and in-depth language skills in business and academic English.

Organisational Format

The blended learning format enables students to work independently of time and place by regularly and didactically alternating between face-to-face and online phases.
The blended learning concept thus offers a varied and learning-promoting programme with different social forms and learning activities, which also gives students a certain degree of personal responsibility. This includes self-directed learning (asynchronous teaching), in which students determine the time, intervals, pace and location of their learning activities themselves, as well as face-to-face e-learning (synchronous teaching), which takes place at different locations on a fixed date through virtual direct communication.

Blended Learning

Time-efficient & job-enabling

Career possibilities:

Graduates of the degree programme are qualified to take on general business management tasks. In particular, later professional fields and career opportunities arise in the cooperation in personnel planning of small and medium-sized enterprises, which significantly shape the Austrian corporate landscape, and larger organisations. In addition, they can be employed in the development, planning and implementation of recruiting and personnel development measures, personnel marketing and employer branding, performance management, digitalised personnel administration, personnel planning and management, as well as supporting change processes in companies and organisations.

Admission & Fees

The entry requirements and procedures are equivalent for all courses available at IUC.
Please check our admission area for further information.


Payments can be made annualy, each semester, or monthly.

As a private provider of higher education, the IUC charges annual tuition fees. This guarantees a high-quality education with excellent student support.

Bachelor HRM: 8900€ per year
Study materials: Approx. 500€

Additional examination or repetition fees are not included.
Per study year

Per semester (+2%)

Per month (+4%)
High Performer: 1000€ per study year

Early Bird applicants: 500€ (students who requested information before the end of January 2024)
  • Overview
  • Course contents
  • Organisational Format
  • Career possibilities
  • Admission & Fees
  • Curriculum
  • Apply now!

Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?


Core Study Areas

Business Administration ECTS
Foundations of Business Administration 3
Management Information Systems 4
Accounting & Controlling 5
Public Relations & Media Management 4
Management I / Managerial Economics 4
Sustainability Literacy 3
Management II / Organisationsentwicklung 4
Human Resource Management ECTS
Introduction to the field of HRM & Communication 3
Foundations of Coaching 3
Human Resource Management I 4
Human Resource Management II 4
Change-Management 4
Strategic Human Resource Management 4
Talent Acquisition 3
Professional & Self-Development 4
Career Development & Management 4
Communication ECTS
Communication Skills 4
Social Psychology 3
Intercultural Awareness & Competencies 4
Interview & Negotiation Skills 4
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving 2
Leadership I & Business Ethics 4
Diversity & Inclusion 4
Team Dynamics & Collaboration 4
Leadership II 4

Further Study Areas

Law Fundamentals 4
Employment Law I 4
Employment Law II 4
Tax Law 4
European Law 4
Business & Political Sciences3
Business Plan3
Academic Writing3
Research Methodology3
Languages & Maths ECTS
Business English I 3
Business English II 3
Academic English 3
Mathematical Economics 3
Business Statistics 3

Optional Study Areas

As part of the degree programme, students must complete free electives worth 12 ECTS credits and compulsory electives worth 20 ECTS credits (5 courses worth 4 ECTS credits each). As an alternative to the regular compulsory electives, a work placement can be completed during the degree programme. Students who already have equivalent, relevant professional experience can apply for credit transfer. The private university equates 30 working hours with 1 ECTS credit point. Work experience totalling 600 working hours must be provided in order for the working hours to be credited in place of the elective subjects.

Compulsory Optional Subjects: ECTS
HR Management in Non-Profit Organizations 4
E-Recruiting 4
Employer Branding 4
Intercultural HR-Leadership 4
Advanced Coaching 4
International Employment Law 4
Expatriate Management 4
International Renumeration Systems 4
Organizational Psychology 4
Workplace Health Promotion 4
Fringe Benefits & Pension Plan 4
In-house Training Competence Development 4
Work placement and report module I 4
Work placement and report module II 4
Work placement and report module III 4
Work placement and report module IV 4
Work placement and report module V 4
GESAMT zu wählen: 5 LV zu 4 ECTS 20
German for Beginners 3
Spanish for Beginners 3
German Intermediate 3
Spanish Intermediate 3
German Advanced 3
Spanish Advanced 3
Modern Philosophy3
Creative Workshop3
Health & Fitness Workshop3
Politics & Society3
Business Geographics3
Modern City Planning & Architecture3
GESAMT zu wählen 4 zu 3 ECTS 12
Compulsory Optional Subjects/Internship 20
Electives 12
Bachelor Thesis 8