HomeAccreditation Status and Legal Information

Legal information and accreditation status

The IUC - International Private University College Bad Vöslau is currently in the process of initial institutional accreditation by AQ Austria (Austrian Accreditation Authority) and in a project status.
Please note that a legally valid accreditation decision is required before any study programme can be started. This is expected in spring 2025. Interested parties can already apply for programmes, but all admission decisions are subject to positive accreditation.
In the event of a delay in the accreditation decision, applicants are free to decide whether they wish to delay the start of their studies by one semester or have their tuition fees refunded. In the event of a negative decision, the entire tuition fee will be refunded.

The development company of the private university college is responsible for the project:
Privathochschule Bad Vöslau Entwicklungs GmbH,
Johann Strauß Straße 2, 2540 Bad Vöslau, Austria

The IUC - Private University College Bad Vöslau (currently in a project status) is supported by two private educational institutions (also shareholders of the development company) with many years of expertise in secondary and tertiary education.
- ITM College, Austria, established 1986
- Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, established 1987

1. International College of Tourism and Management ITM GmbH
2. Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences BV
3. College Garden Immobilien GmbH
4. Stadtgemeinde Bad Vöslau
5. College Garden Hotels GmbH